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Banja Koviljaca


     Banja Koviljača, jedna od najlepših i najlekovitijih banja Balkana, nalazi se u zapadnoj Srbiji, u zagrljaju reke Drine i šumovite planine Gučevo, na nadmorskoj visini od 128 m. Okružuju je i prostrane ravnice Mačve i Semberije i planine (Boranja, Sokolske planine, Cer). Nalazi se u regionu Podrinja, na koji se nastavljaju brdoviti Jadar, blago zatalasana Pocerina i plodna i zaravnjena Mačva.

    Bogati izvori sumporovite vode, lekovito blato, povoljni klimatski uslovi, kao i brojni kulturno – istorijski spomenici, neodoljiv su izazov za razvoj svih vidova turizma.

   Istorijat Banje Koviljače je jako bogat i datira još iz perioda Ilira, starih Rimljana, Turaka, pa sve do današnjih dana. Prvi pisani izvori, iz 1533. godine, ukazuju da narod masovno pohodi lekovite izvore. Prva zgrada za smeštaj gostiju, sa deset soba, izgrađena je 1858. godine, a te godine je i zvanično utvrđena „OBAVEZA LEKARA DA PREKO LETA U BANJI SEDEĆI BOLNE NADGLEDATI I NJIMA UREDNO I PO PRAVILIMA LEKARSKIM UPOTREBLJENE VODE PREPISIVATI“. Ta 1858. godina se uzima za krucijalnu godinu nastanka ovog savremenog lečilišta sa tradicijom.

     Banja Koviljača je potpuno izgrađena tokom dvadesetih i tridesetih godina XX veka. Podignuti su luksuzni hoteli i vile, a lepo je uređen i park koji povezuje banjske objekte. Mesto glavne zabave od 1939. godine postaje nadaleko poznat Kursalon koji pleni svojom lepotom, a bogat enterijer u sebi još uvek nosi duh prošlih vremena. Prva kockarnica na Balkanu otvorena je u Kursalonu.

   Jedinstveni simbol Banje Koviljače, čuveni banjski park koji  je stvaran po ugledu na zapadnoevropske i koji se prostire na površini od 40 ha, predstavlja po veličini drugi park u Srbiji. Smešten u podnožju šume graba, cera i bukve, banjski park još od početka XX veka mami svoji izgledom i lepotom, a sam centar ovog muzeja prirode na otvorenom čini grandiozna fontana, koja je u novijoj istoriji zamenila prvobitno nešto manji vodoskok. Preko osamdeset vrsta drveća, prekrasni cvetni aranžmani poput onih u letnjim rezidencijama kraljeva i prostrane travnate površine čine šetnju u ovom parku posebnom i nesvakidašnjom. Ambijentu doprinose i očuvane predratne vile Dalmacija i Hercegovina, kao i zdanje kupatila Kralja Petra I koje posetioce odvlače iz sadašnjosti u neki svet prošlosti, davno zaboravljen.

    Banja Koviljaca, one of the most beautiful and healthful spa resorts of the Balkan Peninsula, is situated in Western Serbia, encased between the Drina River and wooded Mountain Gucevo, at an altitude of 128 meters. It is surrounded by the wide plains of Macva and Semberija Regions and by Boranja, Cer and  Sokolske Mountains.  It is located in a region called Podrinje, which borders with the slopes of Jadar Region, moving on to the valleys of Pocerina Region and the fertile and flat region of Macva.
     Abundant springs of sulphuric water, healthful mud, favorable climate, as well as numerous cultural and historical monuments are an irresistible attraction and an invitation to the development of all kinds of tourism in this area.

    The history of Banja Koviljaca is very rich, dating back to the Iliric period, followed by the occupation of the area by the Ancient Romans, and later the Turks. In the first written records dating back to 1533, it is stated that hordes of people visited these healthy springs.  The first facility that offered accommodation was comprised of ten rooms and was built in 1858. This year is very important in Banja Koviljaca's history since it was then that the doctors were given the permission and obligation to prescribe healing water of this spa resort to the sick. And, it is this 1858 that is regarded as the crucial year in the creation of this now modern health resort.

    During the 1920’s and 1930’s, the construction of Banja Koviljaca was completed. Luxurious hotels and villas were built and a beautifully designed park connecting all of the spa’s structures. The facility of fascinating beauty called “Kur-Salon” has been the place for amusement since 1939, and the lavishness of its interior still reflects the spirit of past times.  The first gambling house in the Balkans was opened in “Kur-Salon”.
    This unique symbol of Banja Koviljaca, the legendary Spa’s park was built in the manner of the ones in Western Europe. It spans over 40 ha and represents the second largest park in Serbia. It is situated at the foot of a forest of hornbeam, cerris and beech and since the beginning of the 20th century; it has attracted the visitors with its appearance and grandeur. At the very center of this outdoor museum of Nature is a magnificent fountain, which stands in the place of a once smaller one.

    Over eighty types of trees, wonderful floral arrangements like the ones in imperial summer residences and vast lawns make walking in this park special and out of the ordinary. Fine examples of pre-World War I architecture – Villas Dalmatia and Herzegovina, as well as the Bath of King Peter I take the visitors to a new world of the glorious past, long forgotten.